Counselors, Colleges & Careers

Mental Health

Philly HopeLine

“Philly HopeLine is a free helpline run by Uplift Center for Grieving Children staffed by our Master’s degree-level clinicians. The PHL  is open to all Philadelphia caregivers and youth. Service is available in both English and Spanish.”

Children's Crisis Response Center & Mobile Crisis Team

For assistance with a behavioral health emergency involving a child under the age of 18, contact the Philadelphia Crisis Line (formerly known as Acute Services) at 215-685-6440. This team is available to provide telephonic support and guidance on involuntary commitments, and should be contacted to request a Children’s Mobile Crisis Team (CMCT).


Online Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources

Kooth provides FREE mental health and wellbeing resources for high school students in the School District of Philadelphia with sign-up.

Kooth was founded in the UK in 2001 and for the last 15 years has been the UK’s leading provider in effective online mental health support. Their sole purpose is to create easy to access online mental health services and provide compassionate and effective support for young people. In this safe and confidential online community, students can access professional counseling, peer-to-peer support and vital self-help tools like goal-setting resources, advice and opinion pieces, and written personal experiences from peers and experts.”

Mental Health Resources

Provided by School District of Philadelphia

Prevention & Intervention

School Climate and Culture “Healing Together”

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Need Funds for Colleges/Trade Schools?

You want someone else to pay for it?

If your answers are “Yes!” to both questions, continue reading!

You want higher education, right? There are programs, groups, and non-profit organizations that want to help you succeed. You may qualify for financial assistance and may not even know it yet! Personally, I’d take the free money for my education.

Where should we start… Oh, I know! let’s start by searching for Scholarships. I’ll leave some scholarship lookup sites on the side and resources for scholarships that don’t inquire about immigrant status.

Act 158: Pathways To Graduation